There is a huge amount of skincare information out there, and not all of it is correct. As a result, it’s easy to make mistakes, especially if you’re new to the skincare game. While some may not seem like a big deal, they can be extremely detrimental to your complexion in the long run, making it important to put those errors right ASAP.
So, to help you on your way, read on as Lavelier shares eight skincare mistakes that you really need to stop making!
1) Not Applying Enough Sunscreen
It’s no secret that sun protection is vital if you want healthy-looking skin. If you’ve been skipping the sunscreen altogether, you’re likely already aware that this is a big mistake. With the sun responsible for up to 80% of the wrinkles and dark spots that develop on your skin over time, all of that sun exposure is only going to quickly age your complexion.
Think you’re in the clear because you apply sunscreen every day? Unless you’re using the right amount, think again! Turns out, most people don’t actually apply enough sunscreen to give their skin the SPF rating that’s printed on the bottle. The thinner your layer of sunscreen, the less protection your skin will be getting. Ideally, you should be applying 6-8 teaspoons of sunscreen to cover your body, or at least a quarter of a teaspoon for just your face.
Don’t like the way that many sunscreens leave your skin feeling greasy? Try an SPF moisturizer instead, like the Lavelier Divine Day Defense SPF 30. It’s a much lighter and silkier formula that’s packed with antioxidants to give the skin a gorgeous glow!
2) Over-Exfoliating
Although your skin naturally exfoliates itself, this slows down with age. This is why regular exfoliation is so highly recommended. Without it, your skin’s surface would soon end up cluttered with dead cells. This not only leaves the skin looking dull and rough but also increases your chances of clogged pores and breakouts.
So, if exfoliating is so good for your skin, what’s the problem? The issue is when people exfoliate too often or use an exfoliator that’s too aggressive for their skin. Both lead to over-exfoliation – a sign that your skin barrier has been compromised. Once this happens, you’ll notice that your skin feels irritated very easily. You’ll be more susceptible to dehydration too, along with dryness, acne, and more.
The solution? Firstly, make sure that you aren’t exfoliating too often. Three times a week is the maximum, and that’s only if you have oily skin. Everyone else should be exfoliating less than this. Make sure that you’re using a suitable exfoliator too. Gentler formulas, like the Lavelier Oceana Refining Coral Peel, tend to be the best way to go.
3) Using Too Many Skincare Products
Extensive skincare routines have been popular for a while now, especially after the famous 10-step Korean skincare routine came into the spotlight. People started slathering layer after layer of various skincare products onto their skin and, in a few cases, were seeing good results from their efforts.
However, it wasn’t long before the majority realized that this wasn’t the best approach to take. Sure, in theory, long skincare routines may make sense as you’ll be able to target all of your skin concerns with the different products that you use. In reality, however, all of those products can really weaken your skin barrier. This will leave your skin more prone to inflammation, irritation, and other problems.
This is partly why ‘skinimalism’, aka skincare minimalism, is now trending. People are stripping back their skincare routines and are seeing bigger improvements as a result. If your current routine is pretty complex and your complexion isn’t looking any better for it, try cutting back on the number of products you’re using. Your skin will soon thank you!
4) Skipping Your Evening Cleanse
Sometimes, when you’ve had a long and stressful day, all you want to do at night is crawl into bed without having to worry about your skin. However, if this means that you’re skipping your evening cleanse, you’re making a big mistake!
Does this really matter if you plan on cleansing the next morning and haven’t been wearing any makeup? Yes. Over the course of the day, everything from sweat and sebum to dead skin and pollutants will be piling up on your skin’s surface. Allow them to remain until morning and they’ll delve deeper into your skin, causing clogged pores, free radical damage, and more.
So, no matter how tired you may be at night, make an effort to cleanse your skin. This becomes easier when you have a cleanser that’s genuinely enjoyable to use, just like the Lavelier Oceana Breezy Facial Cleanser. It forms a decadent lather that will not only leave your skin feeling super-fresh but will also leave your mind feeling soothed and ready for a good night’s sleep.
5) Leaving Your Skin Bare After Cleansing
As essential as it may be, you also shouldn’t forget that cleansing can interfere with skin barrier function. After all, some of that sebum and dead skin that you’re cleansing away forms an integral part of that protective outer layer.
It doesn’t take long for the skin to recover from this but it does mean that, immediately post-cleanse, your skin barrier will be more vulnerable and less capable of doing its job. This puts your skin at risk of dehydration since that barrier won’t be able to retain moisture in the same way.
The only way to prevent this is to quickly move on to the rest of your skincare routine after cleansing. Don’t leave your skin bare, even just for a minute or two. Instead, follow up with either a toner, a serum, or a moisturizer so that your skin barrier has an additional layer over it to help keep moisture locked in.
6) Using Products That Aren’t Suitable for Your Skin Type
While it can be tempting to purchase a skincare product just because of its sleek packaging or the fact that your favorite celebrity is recommending it, doing so without first considering whether or not that product is suitable for your skin type would be a huge mistake. Your skin type should always dictate which products you do/do not use. Going with a formula that isn’t quite right will only end up being very detrimental to your skin.
How do you know if a product is suitable for your skin type if it doesn’t say anything about this on the packaging? Start by assessing the type of product that it is. For example, if you’re shopping for a cleanser, foaming cleansers are usually best for oily/combination skin while cream or mousse cleansers work best on dry and sensitive skin.
Taking a look at the ingredient list can teach you so much too. Do some research into the various ingredients used in that product. If your skin type is dry, you need gentle and richly moisturizing ingredients. Meanwhile, if your skin type is oily, you need lightweight ingredients that aren’t going to clog your pores.
7) Using Expired or Improperly Stored Skincare Products
Another big skincare mistake that people don’t realize they’re making is using products that are either expired or improperly stored. Why does this matter? Firstly, because many skincare ingredients degrade over time. This is exacerbated by storing your products in an unsuitable environment. This means that those ingredients won’t be able to work in the way that they should, preventing you from seeing their full spectrum of potential benefits.
Those same ingredients could also end up harming your skin. If they’ve started to oxidize, they’ll cause free radical damage when applied to the skin. Inflammation, accelerated aging, and more will soon become an issue.
What can you do about this? Start by ensuring that none of your skincare products have expired. If there’s no expiration date on the packaging, you should be able to spot a PAO symbol. This stands for ‘period after opening’ and will tell you how many months a product is good for once it has been opened.
Proper storage is essential too. Everything from heat to light to air can degrade skincare products. So, keep yours in a cool, dry, and dark place to prolong shelf life.
8) Applying Your Skincare Products in the Wrong Order
Last but not least, let’s talk about the order in which you apply your skincare products. Again, this is something that may not seem like a big deal at first. After all, so long as your skin is receiving all of those products, does it really matter which order you apply them in?
Simply put, yes it does. If you want to maximize absorption and efficacy while preventing congestion and clogged pores, the order of application is essential.
Fortunately, this is easy to learn. Start with the products that don’t remain on your face, like your cleanser, exfoliator, and even a face mask. Then, gather your remaining products together and line them up in order of consistency. The lightest and thinnest formulas, like toners and serums, should be at the front of the line and the heaviest and thickest product, which is usually a moisturizer, should be at the end. This way, the lighter products will be able to penetrate your skin uninhibited while the thicker ones will then lock those in. If you were to do things the other way around, the thicker products would only prevent the lighter formulas from being able to sink into your skin.
It’s common to make mistakes with skincare. The important thing is to be able to recognize these mistakes so that you can put them right as soon as possible. While they may not seem like big problems to start with, consistently making these mistakes could end up being very detrimental to your complexion in the long run. If you can relate to any of the above, make the necessary changes and it won’t be long before you start to see some improvements in how your skin looks and feels.
Click here to boost your skincare routine with more bestselling products from Lavelier.
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